It is all about happiness.

After the industrial revolution in the 1800’s, people had to make adjustments to fit in with the world of the more powerful, modern machines. Now, as the computer world has taken over most of our lives, our population once again will have to make an adjustment in their view on how to be a productive part of our civilization.
The age of the ‘book-knowledge’ culture is over. The age when being a lawyer, a doctor, and being involved in other similar professions, was a guarantee for a good life, is most likely coming to an end. Today, the need for lawyers has been decreasing due to informational law websites; even the best doctors can’t analyze complicated chemical data as well as a computer can. Simple book knowledge will not be able to compete with computers and modern technology. At the same time, the tremendous amount of information available confuses even the most educated on how to take good care of themselves – see the ‘Unhealthy Doctor Syndrome’.
We need to find alternative ways and time to connect to ourselves, to connect to the people in our lives and to connect to nature so we can balance ourselves. A reconnected person will have the chance to utilize all what technology has to offer and protect themselves from the newly developed health hazards of social media, computer screens, mobile smartphones and the inactive lifestyle.
We need to relearn what we evolved to do and discover how to fit all that into a modern life.
Please feel free to reach out to us and find out how we help our clients to just do that.

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